These 5 Indian Quotes Will Inspire You to the Core
When asked as to why we chose to depict these Indian characters through our first range of bobble head collectibles and figurines we would have nothing else to say but that, they inspired us. They are a few of the many Indian Idols we look up to. Let us tell today, in our own way, as to why these bad-asses (informal) were our inspiration behind this small start-up. Go on, the inquisitive ones:
"Jo Dar Gaya Wo Mar Gaya"

In the words of Dr. Kalaam "Unless India stands up to the World, No one will respect us. In this world fear has no place. Only strength respects strength". Get it? Want to build a robot?, Want to be an innovator?, Want to go to the moon? Want to be an actor? Go out there and do it! Fearless! Although coming from a villain, this dialogue from our 100 year old Hindi Cinema pretty much sums up the way of human life. Fear is death my friends. Mediocrity is death!
Buy Daku Sambhar Singh Collectible Bobble Head Now!
"Be the Change You Want to See"

And he didn't just say it. He proved to be the living example of being the change he wanted to see in his country and the way it was run by the English. Hate filth? Go clean your street yourself today. Detest corruption? Never ever ever bribe an official no matter what. Will ya? Then you will see the change you want.
Buy Mahatma Gandhi Collectible Bobble Head Now!
"Tumhaare Pas Kya Hai?"

Han, hai kya tumhare paas? Ok, Fine, the dialogue came from a criminal and meant to advocate consumerism in the movie, but think about it. What you have today is what you have made of your life.
Why is it that you got nothing and you sitting your as* over there whining about the stupid government measures and how they don't work in your favor? Go out there make your self some bucks and give your family (including you) a happy and comfortable life. It's no crime my friend. Passe is the ideology of choosing to stay poor and praising the benefits. Love lavishness? Help your self and make it large in this very life. Just like Mr. Bachchan did !
Buy Chhote Bachchan Collectible Bobble Head Now!
"Poorna Swaraj, Bas."

In times when even great leaders like Gandhi and Nehru were making efforts to appease the English government and trying to acquire greater powers within the assembly it was Bhagat Singh and comrades who affirmed that we did not need any Goras to run our country. He either wanted absolute independence or nothing at all.
The philosophy may have changed its form to this day but absolute independence is what we all live for. If it wasn't for this philosophy we would never feel the need to be self dependent and take absolute control of our lives and make it worth living. Well at least being an entrepreneur feels like that.
Buy Bhagat Singh Collectible Figurine Now!
"You have to Dream before your Dream Can Come True"